Proizvodi se od najkvalitetnije indijske kane razvijene posebno za bojanje obrva.
- Nijansa kane Latte je intenzivnija od Light Brown, ali manje živahna od Chocolate Brown i Coffee. To je pepeljasta, intenzivno smeđa nijansa, preporučuje se za neutralnu ili hladnu kosu.
- Ako želite postići svjetliju boju, skratite vrijeme razvijanja boje kane za nekoliko minuta, ali ne više od polovice preporučenog vremena razvijanja; ili ga pomiješajte sa svjetlijom bojom.
- Da biste postigli neutralniji ton, pomiješajte ga s toplom ili neutralnom smeđom nijansom; na primjer, Light Brown ili Chocolate Brown. Za potamnjivanje koristite jednu od naših tamno smeđih nijansi, ovisno o nijansi i intenzitetu koji želite.
- Preporučujemo ga smeđokosim klijentima s neutralnom ili hladnom bojom kose i kože, koji žele postići intenzivan, spektakularan učinak.
- Pakiranje : 3 g
Upute za upotrebu:
- Kožu očistiti i na to nanijeti Best Brows Pro Henna piling za obrve sa aplikatorom i utrljati proizvod laganim kružnim pokretima kroz cijelu obrvu. Piling poboljšava postojanost kane jer skida sve mrtve stanice sa kože
- Iscrtajte željeni oblik obrve na klijentu
- Protresite Best Brows aktivator prije upotrebe
- Doziranje: pomiješajte 1 mjernu žličicu kane sa 8 puta više aktivatora (1:8) što je otprilike 10-12 kapi aktivatora u čašici za kanu. Ukoliko klijent ima guste obrve, trebati ćete pomiješati duplu dozu kane i aktivatora ( 2 mjerne žlice i 20-24 kapi aktivatora)
- Promiješajte proizvode dok se u potpunosti ne povežu i dobijete kremastu teksturu s kojom je lako raditi. Kanu i aktivator možete miješati mikserom za kanu
- Aplicirati mješavinu na obrve pazeći da ostanete u mjerama koje ste nacrtali. Pročešljajte guste obrve kako bi bili sigurno da ćete aplicirati kanu skroz do kože.
- Ostavite proizvod na obrvama 8-15 minuta. Što duže ostavite proizvod na obrvama, to će efekt biti snažniji. Ne uklanjajte kanu dok se ne osuši u potpunosti.
- Kada se obrve osuše, isperite kanu sa obrva sa mokrom blazinicom nježnim pokretima.
- Oblikujte obrve po želji sa koncem, voskom ili pincetom
Samo za profesionalnu upotrebu.
- Regular price
€16,00 - Regular price
- Sale price
Shipping Information
- We ship goods ordered in the Kallos online store as soon as possible. Speed and convenience of delivery are key for us.
- The cost of delivery is calculated automatically when you purchase the product and you are issued an invoice with the price of the purchased products and the delivery price
- The cost of delivery will be shown in the shopping cart along with the price of the product
- The cost of delivery in the territory of the Republic of Croatia depends on the chosen courier service, which the customer chooses at the last step of the order, and amounts from €0.99 to €7.00 depending on the courier service
Courier services are: - Box now - LEARN MORE
- For the order amount above EUR 99.00, the shipping cost is free and is fully borne by Ce-Makor doo for the territory of the Republic of Croatia
- The deadline for delivery of products, for which it is stated that they are in stock, in the whole of Croatia is 3 working days from the day of the order, for the islands 7 working days , except for products with a special note
- Orders received on a working day by 11 a.m. are usually shipped the same day.
- In the event of a change in the delivery date or any other important circumstances for the execution of the order, the customer will be notified immediately by our customer service
- If the package with the ordered products does not arrive in the expected period (4 working days from the order in the Republic of Croatia), send us an e-mail at or call +3851 5601-159 in order to take the necessary measures.
- for orders outside Croatia, the shipping price is calculated on the last step, and you can find the prices on the >>SHIPPING COST>> link
- Ce-Makor doo is not responsible for losses or delays in delivery service due to holidays or weather conditions, but please contact us via e-mail at and we will try to solve the problem
- BANK TRANSFER - Orders are sent upon receipt of funds to our business account Ce-Makor doo
- In case your country is not available for delivery , please contact us directly at so that we can check the best possible shipping method for both parties.
Return & Exchange
The buyer has the right to exchange goods within 14 days of receiving the shipment.
To exchange goods, you must fill out the "Unilateral Termination of Contract" form, which you can download here .
We will only send a new item upon receipt of the returned item and when we determine that the product being returned is correct and without traces of use, in the original packaging with the invoice and completed form within the specified period.
When exchanging an ordered item, the cost of postage in both directions is borne by the buyer .
The return of the purchased item must be made without delay, and no later than 14 days after receipt of the shipment.
To return goods, you must fill out the "Unilateral Termination of Contract" form, which you can download. here .
The refund will be made in the same way as the payment was made. If the order was paid for by card, the money will be returned to the card, and for payment by cash on delivery or transaction, the funds will be deposited into the current account (enter the IBAN on the form).
We will only send a new item upon receipt of the returned item and when we determine that the product being returned is correct and without traces of use, in the original packaging with the invoice and completed form within the specified period.
When returning an ordered item, the customer bears the cost of return.
The address to which you can send the item is:
Kallos Lash Academy
(CE-MAKOR doo)
Karla Metikoša 2, 10000 Zagreb.
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- Regular price
€16,00 - Regular price
- Sale price
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Online tecaj koji je lijepo objasnjen a proizvodi su odlicni😊

Vec jako dugo godina se razmisljam da odem na edukaciju i vec godinama govorim Martini da cu doci kod nje i napokon se to i dogodilo.Martina je odlican edukator i jako je bila strpljiva samnom i mogu reci sve najbolje,strpljiva,ljubazna i jako ugodna.

Prije par mjeseci sam kupila gel za obrve. Savršen je. Moje obrve idu prema dolje a s ovim čudom ih baš lijepo začesljam i one stoje dok se navecer ne umijem. I nema onih ružnih grudica i ljuskica,skroz je nevidljiv.
Nedavno sam naručila Brow liner (medium) ali mi je nažalost presvijetal pa sam onda i crni naručila. Baš se lijepo obrve popune da opet izgleda prirodno a ne kao da imam dva pečata. A ovaj svijetli koristi kao eyeliner,i također stoji dok se koža ne umije. Odlični proizvodi, bravo :)

Lako se nadograđuje, vodootporan, otporan na trljanje, odličan i za početnike jer nije jako pigmentiran.
Uistinu sam oduševljena i samo njega koristim za sebe i na svojim klijenticama.
Bravo, odličan proizvod! 👏

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